Thought I’d give you an update on what’s happening since we’ve ‘officially’ closed South Coast Environment Centre at the end of December. I’m still doing much the same as before but in a voluntary capacity; monitoring and responding to emails, webpage etc and some of our ongoing activities and continue to be involved in many environmental groups.
End of the year already; hope everyone is ready for it? Not sure if it’s just me with all that’s been happening the last few months, but I can’t believe it is finally summer and Christmas is just around the corner!
With the end of September comes the closure of our shopfront office as previously advised, so this last month has been busy with finding suitable homes for much of our equipment and resources we’ve collected over the last 9 years of operation. Although sad, it has highlighted what exactly we have achieved over this time and we are extremely proud to have highlighted,
Finally, we are starting to see some spring weather; I for one can’t wait for the temperatures to rise, although the acacias have been flowering madly the last few weeks telling us it isn’t far away. How beautiful is that glorious yellow colour of the acacias in the sun, just stunning displays everywhere at the moment.
Well as I write this the next cold front is just about to hit here at home, where I’ve been working for the last week. A nice taste of a bit of warmth (when would I have ever previously said around 20 C is warm, but it is all relative isn’t it?). So more rain for us all; filling up those dams and tanks if they aren’t already full and having a good winter rain, for a change.
Winter is here and hasn’t the rain been fantastic! Nice to see many of the wetlands filling again and I’m sure the landholders will be welcoming their dams being replenished. And, whales are back!!! So cold, miserable weather (well for me anyway) has lots of benefits and checking out all the different fungi popping up everywhere is very exciting too!
This month brings some very sad news; after much deliberation, soul searching and exploring all options, our Management Committee at the May meeting last week made an incredibly hard decision.
As many of you will know, we were previously funded through the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Natural Resources Management Board on 3 year agreements; with the change to Landscape SA last year, this funding was no longer available. However, a combined submission from all environment centres within the new Hills and Fleurieu and Northern and Yorke regions was put to a special Priorities Fund for a
It’s that time of the month again, hasn’t the time just flown by, and suddenly it’s time for the next newsletter! Firstly apologies, the gremlins seem to be getting to our photos in our newsletters and putting them sideways or upside down so hopefully they’ll behave better this month. Technology, always challenges us doesn’t it!
What a busy month it’s been with lots of activities and events happening. I also managed to sneak in a visit with my husband to Kangaroo Island for a wonderful few days break with South Coast Environment Management Committee Chair Anita and her husband Andrew.
I don’t know who stole summer this year, but I do know that many have been quite happy with the mild weather we’ve had the last few months; me not so much. Autumn already; time certainly is flying this year or so it seems to me. I do think many plants are also behaving a bit strangely too, have you seen anything odd in your place or nearby?
School’s back and many are back to work now after the Christmas break. It’s certainly been a very busy time here on the south coast with many visitors enjoying for a short period what we love for 12 months of the year, how lucky are we to live in this beautiful environment.
Well here we are at the end of a very challenging year, and I am sure we are all looking forward to 2021 being nicer and kinder for everyone.
We wish to thank you all for sticking with us this year and doing what you can to live more sustainably and considering the fragile environment we inhabit on earth. Every little change we make as individuals can make a difference so that is a great place to start.
I can’t believe it is the end of the year already; we reflect back that despite plenty of challenges thrown at us all year it still seems to have flown by. We are very fortunate to live in this beautiful part of the world and have survived relatively unscathed compared to many countries overseas
t’s November already, but not sure who stole spring this year! Those icy winds should be gone by now I reckon. But it looks so beautiful as you drive around the region; the callistemons look amazing in full flower which the birds are loving, along with all the roses and other spring flowers certainly puts a smile on your face.
By the time you read this, I’ll have been enjoying a relaxing break down in Robe for a few days during a 2 week break with Grant holding the fort in the office during this time. It has been a busy few months since we’ve returned to working in our Coral Street office and thank you to everyone who has popped in to drop or recycling or on other business, or just to say hallo.
Another month has passed by so quickly, doesn’t time fly these days, with days getting longer, fruit trees starting to burst into flower, so spring can’t be far away! Now’s the time to get out into the garden and enjoy the sunshine,
Winter in the south coast area: Icy cold winds, sunny days, rain, wind, even some frosts this year. Whales and their calves are in residence, although some have been and gone quickly after disturbances, which is a bit sad. Many natives are in flower providing much needed food for small birds and insects
Well the days are getting longer!!! That’s the good news for people (like me) who aren’t fond of the cold weather, although I am loving the rain and the vibrant green of the hills and paddocks, our parched dams are filling up and the earth is enjoying a huge drink.
Hope everyone is enjoying the icy weather we have been having lately! Seeing ice on the ground in coastal areas isn’t very common but it’s definitely been happening a bit this last week – at least the days have been nice.
And we seem to be relaxing restrictions imposed for our safety during the Covid 19 pandemic, although the office is still currently closed to visitors.
As we head into winter we are seeing a slight relaxation of the restrictions placed on us by Covid 19 but we still need to be vigilant with all recommended activities – hand washing, social distancing etc
G’day, and I hope you are all doing ok. In times like these it’s important to look after yourselves more than ever, but to also keep in contact with friends and relatives or reach out to neighbours or others.
Well these are indeed unusual times we currently find ourselves in and I hope everyone is staying safe and well. Restrictive guidelines and rules are put into place for our own wellbeing and that means although we must now ‘physically distance’,
Bringing back Butterflies
A fascinating talk highlighted in last newsletter, we’ve now got the date set. This is one of the projects we hope to help with our native propagation nursery too, but it is something people can also help with by planting and propagating at home to bring back the butterflies.
Another month has flown by with the Centre continuing to be as busy as ever. This week and next I’m doing a series of education sessions for Woodcroft College students at their Middleton camp; talking about issues that affect coastal areas and doing experiments and giving them tasks to complete whilst on camp.
Happy new year, although for many it isn’t a very good time.
We are all horrified by what has happened with bushfires within Australia over the past weeks decimating not only lives, homes and livelihoods, but stock, habitats and wildlife.
On behalf of the South Coast Management Committee, I would like to wish all our members, supporters and those who care about our environment a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Where has the year gone? December already is upon us, which means warmer weather (finally! – I think you all know I love the summer), Festive Season parties and lots more visitors to our beautiful south coast region,
Hi, I’m back and would like to thank Grant so much for looking after the Centre for me during my 3 weeks leave; he did a fantastic job and allowed me a great break. We drove to the ACT to visit grandchildren and returned via Victoria,
Spring has sprung, and the Openlight Victor Harbor Community Garden is now ready for business and invites interested people to come along and join in to help develop the garden.
An early newsletter this time (if we say it’s the September one) to advise of a few events coming up next week to give you time to plan to come along.
September kicks off with our regular Veggie Swap Market on Sunday 1 September at Carrickalinga House (corner of Hill and Torrens Streets, adjacent to Target) All welcome to come along, from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm.
August already, where does time fly? It’s still cold but almond trees have started to blossom, teasing us that warmer weather is coming. For me it can’t come soon enough, but winter rains have renewed dams and the parched earth; the environment is looking lovely and green, and I’m sure everyone is being inundated with weeds needing removal in their gardens.
Well the budget is done and dusted for another year; now for the annual reporting which goes to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board, which provides our funding each year and allows us to run the Centre, put on events and support local conservation and sustainable living activities and groups.
Another month has flown by, with the end of the financial year looming quickly. For me that means budgets (not my favourite job) and end of year reporting coming up fast. Some great news though, we have had our funding confirmed for the next 12 months so we’ll be able to continue the work we do in the centre and in the community.
The rains have arrived! I am sure everyone is rejoicing that we are finally getting some decent rain and our gardens, tanks and the bush are all just breathing a huge sigh of relief to have this.
With daylight saving finishing this week, we know the days are getting shorter, definitely cooler and lots of dew around in the mornings. Sadly not much desperately needed rain despite the few mm's received a week ago
A busy month has just flown by, with the hugely successful movie fundraiser done and dusted; our Snake talk held and two programmes we are involved in, the Bandicoot monitoring group and the Toc H scrub also having sessions during the month.
Whew, kids are back at school, our towns have returned to pre-holiday levels and we can all take a breather after a very busy time of year. I hope you all – and especially your gardens – didn’t struggle too badly in that extraordinary day of extreme heat!
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely time over the festive period, either catching up with family and friends, travelling or just having a quiet one at home. We are certainly inundated with visitors down here for their holidays, there is a real buzz around the place.
Hi all, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your families all the best for a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. It’s been another great year with lots of contact with many great people concerned about our environment and sustainable activities.
It’s been a very busy month for us here with very successful talks, presentations and workshops, and I’m still trying to catch my breath...
The year seems to be speeding up, November already, temperature rising, storms lighting up the night sky, schoolies around the corner.......
October already? Isn’t time flying by this year, the school holidays have just finished and soon it will be time for the long break. And Christmas…..
Spring has sprung, birds are nesting and all the natives are out in flower. For those of us
One more month of winter! The rain has been great, but not sure about that wind!!! It’s certainly been pretty full on, but the grass is green and one of my favourite pastimes
Well it’s Plastic Free July and we are encouraging everyone to consider their use of plastics, especially single-use such as take-away coffee cups or containers, straws, water bottles and plastic bags. There seems to be a huge fuss in the eastern states currently with the big supermarkets phasing out their free single-use plastic shopping bags, with accusations of the stores profiteering from selling their 15 cent bags to comments of how unhygienic the fabric bags are.
Doesn’t time fly, it’s time again for the next newsletter and sharing our news of what we’ve been doing, and what we have planned for the next few weeks. I’m not talking about weather this month, except to say bbbrrrrr, some of these mornings have been a bit chilly...
After finally getting some desperately needed rain, it looks like winter is getting nearer as it’s getting colder ..
t’s been a very busy month for me here at the South Coast Environment Centre, with a number of school education sessions, an Encounter Bay and Beaches forum , Governance Committee and bandicoot meetings to attend.
Happy New Year everyone! Meet our committee, Hooded Plover update, upcoming events & more ..
What are Environment or Natural Resource Centres? Sonic Sea Movie, Veggie Swap and more.
Newland Head Conservatio Park, Hooded Plover update, recent and coming events.